Tooth image


Endodontic Specialist


296 Carriage House Drive
Jackson, TN 38305

Financial Information


The endodontist's fee includes only endodontic (root canal) treatment/therapy and a temporary filling used to keep food and saliva out of your tooth. It does NOT include any necessary endodontic surgery, post and core buildup, or permanent filling or crown. The cost of treatment depends on which tooth requires treatment, whether the tooth has already had treatment, the complexity of your case, and other factors. Fees will be quoted after Dr. Wilson has completed his consultation with you, and before any treatment starts. Quoted fees will remain unchanged unless additional treatment is required.


Payment in full is expected when service is rendered unless other arrangements are made in advance. Cash and checks are the preferred method of payment, however, we do accept all credit cards with the exception of American Express. A monthly service charge of 1.5% and billing fee will be added to accounts more than 30 days old following completion of treatment. If, in the event the account is not paid when due, and services are needed for collection of this debt, the patient and responsible parties shall pay all costs and expenses of collection of the account including reasonable attorney's fees or clerical fees incurred by this office. Service charges will be applied to returned checks.

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